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Location: Laughing Lady, Montana, United States

I am a mystic. Mostly concerned with the spiritual. I love the forests, which seem to me the least corrupted Word of God; unless, of course, the Big Whodunnit decides to send a live messenger.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Back when I was a youngster (day before yesterday) "they" would put me in jail for smoking God's own sweet herb.  Jeez! and I'm a sweet lil' ol' grandpa who contributes to the community and loves most of mankind, hasn't stolen anything of note for years and years, doesn't beat his wife (except at cribbage...I will cheat in this instance if she is in good humor) and does not show a weapon.
        And yet few react to the fact that my whole country, in fact the entire 'civilized' world!, is ADDICTED to PETROLEUM!
       All of petroleum's wonderful side-effects like difficulty breathing (CO in the air, (used to be lead (Pb) in the air) carbon in the air, secondary trash molecules in the air), pollution of the water, pollution of the land (both by direct and indirect means: spills, chemical fall-out including herbicide, fungicide, insecticide runoff (see pollution of water above); poisons manufactured by chance and intentionally (read Monsanto here)), 'safe' products that turn out noxious (think plastic containers bleeding toxic chemicals into water and food), and maybe even unconsciousness, coma and death are not enough to discourage this addition.

Whereas grass made me think the world could be a better place and that maybe I could help achieve this end, petroleum (a broad spectrum systemic poison), makes me either 1) quit thinking, or 2) think dark thoughts about the survival of a) the democratic system and b) ALL OF LIFE.

Could it be, possibly, that addiction to fossil fuels is a TERMINAL ADDICTION?

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Blogger brooke said...

How does one make a shift away from fossil fuels? Our infrastructure depends on it, so it's not so simple as libertarians would have you believe -- that we can each individually just choose to wean ourselves -- because, for many, our livelihoods depend on a system that presumes reliance on fossil fuels. So, to make the shift away, we first must have a community (i.e. government) investment in revolutionizing the infrastructure that supports and enables our lives.

12:30 PM  
Blogger Thunderpen said...

At first coke (cocaine) makes everything so easy. We become superpeople! How could we ever quit? Jeez! Now everything depends on the coke.

When we finally realize we are cocanized, we're locked in pretty damned deep. Like the old fashioned heroine addiction. Those receptors NEED the dope. Like addiction to meth and the recognition, "WTF! I'm getting so paranoid! What's up?" It's the signal that our body is trying to tell us: THIS IS KILLING ME.

PETROL ADDICTION IS KILLING US. It is my firm believe that petrol is a BROAD SPECTRUM SYSTEMIC POISON. Symptoms are mostly minor, extremely numerous and very widely spread ... at first. Death may come as 'unrelated' system after system fails.

Petrol is like that. It made everything so easy for so long we have developed a DEPENDENCY. Why bother with shifting away? Is there a way to taper off? Or is the drug addiction a, gasp!, terminal addiction?

I'm not saying fossil fuels are our biggest threat, but are we ready to address the apparently ineffable Principality behind all of our troubles?

3:14 PM  

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