Big Pine

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Location: Laughing Lady, Montana, United States

I am a mystic. Mostly concerned with the spiritual. I love the forests, which seem to me the least corrupted Word of God; unless, of course, the Big Whodunnit decides to send a live messenger.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

MID 60s

I prayed and begged and talked at God
so long Someone finally showed up;
then I listened and laughed
as the dark waters receded from the land.
Didn’t we have a time! My brothers
and my sisters walked like Children of God,
like princes. My mother. The Earth.
Our words … Goodness! our words:
how big they were!
The Earth rang with them and the skies fairly sang,
they caught in our ears
and resounded for days.
Oh, those were times.
We could command the dead but wisely demurred.
And the light! It was everywhere!
Rainbows, perihelions, sundogs, opened up the sky
even as the dark cast nets against it.
Sunshine so liquid we could drink it
and Pan in the weeds.
Diamonds circled the moon.
Miracles were common as those little brown wrens.
And us, what about us? Bless-sed
with beads and high ideals we fought
for righteousness and won;
we tried the laws in court.
The world began to bend
toward the light.
So rich. So rich. It filled
our cupped hands
like water
in the rain.

     --Butterfly Herbs

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