Big Pine

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Location: Laughing Lady, Montana, United States

I am a mystic. Mostly concerned with the spiritual. I love the forests, which seem to me the least corrupted Word of God; unless, of course, the Big Whodunnit decides to send a live messenger.

Saturday, November 02, 2013


      When you and I do a Google search, page 1 usually looks pretty good.    There are local sources, popular references, and the corporate giants.    Wikipedia will probably show up; it is like a quick desk reference that usually settles a question.

      There are times, though, that I want to dig a little deeper.   Let's say I am researching 'beads'.   Page 1 is good, but what if I want to get into something more exotic?   What's on page 500?   What's on page 3000?   Are there 30,000 pages of responses to “unique beads?   How do I get to page 500?   It's going to take a while if I go 10 items per page, or if I click 10 pages at a jump.   30,000 is out of the question unless I am granted audience with the mildly patronizing voice of Deep Tech telling me how to get there.

      Imagine getting to page 30,000 and finding a tiny shop in LaVeaux, Louisiana, where we can procure beads made of the petrified snot of holy men.   We Click to the page.

      We find the beads are expensive.   We are enjoined to act immediately.   Let the buyer be ware that the Vatican has agents out looking for these beads; they will acquire them at whatever cost, up to, but probably excluding, foul means.   Be informed that the Methodists of a small church in small town Laughing Lady, Montana, are also after these beads.   Those Methodists are exerting their full budget -- over $248.67 -- to search and acquire.   They don't know what the beads are, or why they are so shamefully expensive, but they are driven by the suspicion that the Mormons are desperate to get them.

    If you send payment now — only gold is accepted as a medium of exchange — your seven (7) beads will be shipped by unspecified means in a hermetically sealed cryogenics cage.

     You must sign a Writ of Waiver vowing never to put more than 1 bead into any piece intended for personal wear, unless you can attest to exerting full deliberation.

      Send a SASE for details.

      That's probably deep enough.